Parent/Guardian InformationContact InformationFirst Name *Last Name *Street Address *Apartment, suite, etcCityState/ProvinceZIP / Postal CodePhonePrimary Email *Student InformationFirst NameLast NameEmail AddressOptional - Enter Student's EmailStudent's AgeStudent's Age (yrs.)Student's BirthdateMonthSelect month123456789101112DaySelect day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031YearSelect Year212521242123212221212120211921182117211621152114211321122111211021092108210721062105210421032102210121002099209820972096209520942093209220912090208920882087208620852084208320822081208020792078207720762075207420732072207120702069206820672066206520642063206220612060205920582057205620552054205320522051205020492048204720462045204420432042204120402039203820372036203520342033203220312030202920282027202620252024202320222021202020192018201720162015201420132012201120102009200820072006200520042003200220012000199919981997199619951994199319921991199019891988198719861985198419831982198119801979197819771976197519741973197219711970196919681967196619651964196319621961196019591958195719561955195419531952195119501949194819471946194519441943194219411940193919381937193619351934193319321931193019291928192719261925Select Classes You Wish To Register For...Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4/5PointeEnger Studio of Fine Arts Dance Studio ReleaseI hereby understand that my student(s) is enrolled at Enger Studio of Fine Arts Dance Studio and that they will be involved in rigorous physical activity. I feel that it is in my child’s best interest to expose them to the art of dance and understand that there are certain risks involved in dancing as in any physical activity (like basketball, hockey, football or track). I release Enger Dance Studio/ Enger Studio of Fine Arts, its owner Karen L. Enger and the Premises where the classes are being held at (inside and outside) from any and all liability, which may occur before, during and after dance classes. I waive all claims against any and all bodily injuries and damage to personal articles. Your dancer may appear in pictures (professional & ones taken in class) that are being used for business purposes: advertising in the paper, local posters or on the web site for the studio & etc.Register